Bellingham Childcare & Learning Center, a nonprofit corporation, provides high-quality, affordable childcare to families of all income levels, assisting low-income families to become self-sufficient. Our well qualified, nurturing staff offers a developmentally appropriate and safe learning environment for 72 young children each day.
Affordable childcare is an absolute necessity for parents who are trying to attend school to improve their economic prospects while working to pay household bills. Support in the form of tuition assistance for low-income families is one of our most important agency priorities. We empower parents to work and gain higher levels of education while providing essential early learning opportunities for their children. Our job is to help build children who will love learning not only while in school but throughout their entire lives.
BCLC has a strong connection with BUF, as several members have served the Center in various capacities over the years: Marie Hammer was one of its founding members, Francie Gass has provided parenting education and Alice Litton is a past board member. Jim Lott has organized numerous work parties at BCLC on Make a Difference Day and Becky Curtis currently teaches in one of the preschool classrooms.
Karen Ekdahl has been the executive director of Bellingham Childcare & Learning Center since February 1994. She has over 36 years of experience in Early Childhood Education.
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