Monday, March 27, 2017

What Really Matters at the End of Life, April 9, 2017

In this interactive session, Sally McLaughlin of End Of Life Washington, will guide the group to examine important value statements that pertain to end-of-life decision-making.  Formerly known as Compassion and Choices, End of Life Washington continues to guides people in planning for the final days of their lives.  They provide counseling and planning providing assistance in advance directives, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) and assistance in navigating the Death with Dignity Act.

Whose Lives Really Matter to Unitarians? April 2, 2017

BUF members, Erika Moore and Lauralee Carbone, will present a Sunday Forum on “Whose Lives Really Matter to Unitarians?” on Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 9:15 a.m. at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship. The worship service will follow at 10:30 a.m.

How much do black lives matter to Unitarians? Do all Unitarians, consistent with their seven principles, consider the Black Lives Matter movement an integral part of their social justice focus? Have all Unitarians had their consciousness raised and are they all confident that they exhibit no bias or prejudice? Are all Unitarians entirely open to attracting new members who are a variety of skin hues? Join us for an interactive discussion on how to ensure that our fellowship progresses in ensuring that black lives matter at BUF.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Sunday Forum: How to Live with and What to do with Trump as President

Don't Mourn! Organize! ~ Joe Hill
Feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and helpless about the current political climate?  This Forum is for you.  We will NOT be sharing stories of woe, but discovering ways to keep the faith, find hope, and discover love. On March 26th at 9:15 am, Duane Jager (Retired Executive Director, ReUse Works: The Appliance Depot and Ragfinery) will lead a discussion on how to navigate these perilous times while making a difference.  Forum leader, Duane Jager, is a longtime community activist who is sad but not discouraged by current events.  Duane presented at the forums in the past about Ragfinery and Appliance Depot.    

Sunday Forum: Growing a Community Everyone can Afford, March 19, 2017

On March 19th at 9:15 am, Dean Fearing is the Executive Director of Kulshan Community Land Trust. KulshanCLT is dedicated to creating opportunity for modest-income households to gain stability and create wealth through affordable homeownership, thus giving our neighborhoods strength and resilience and moving our communities towards social justice, economic vitality and environmental sustainability. Dean will lead a discussion on housing issues, affordability and KulshanCLT's role in our community.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Future of Work: An Introduction to Job Ecology, March 12, 2017

Sunday Forum:  The Future of Work: An Introduction to Job Ecology

Joins us March 12th at 9:15 as BUF members Kim and Joyce Cooper talk about how Monopoly Capitalism and globalization with its "profits first, last, and always" attitude is what has landed us in this mess—not enough jobs, too much pollution, global climate change crisis, not enough justice.  The system needs an overhaul—but what direction do we go, and how do we do it? The concept of "job ecology" is a new way to think about business and work.