What do oil refinery expansion, dirty cruise ships,
Starbucks cups, and Bellingham's log exports have in common? Join us and Jim Ace, Senior Campaigner, of
Stand.Earth and discover the answer.
Stand Earth, formerly Forest Ethics, is dedicated to
protecting endangered forests and wildlife from the destructive and often
clandestine practices of natural resource extraction industries. The
organization looks to harness the power and influence of Fortune 500 companies
for good, ushering the new culture of environmental stewardship that fosters
sustainable management of forests, holds companies accountable for the sourcing
of their products, while simultaneously supporting companies that and
interested and willing to move toward better environmental practices. Jim Ace,
a senior campaigner at Stand Earth, is coming to talk about environmental
issues that need our attention, why environmentalists fight for these changes,
how they do it, and how we can all take part in the action.