Friday, November 10, 2017

The Fundamentals of Hinduism, November 12, 2017

At 9;15 am, Debu Majumdar will share with us the Fundamentals of Hinduism—what it really is. Unitarians will be interested in knowing the basic ideas of Hinduism, as it has a common theme with them.

"Hinduism is incomprehensible to non-Indians," Debu says. It has a deep, basic philosophy, but that is usually unspoken; non-Indians only see the gods and goddesses that ordinary Hindus worship. Most of the Hindus do not dwell with the Hindu philosophy or cosmology. Often, the religion leaves the adherents to find their own kind of god to worship or no god at all. That way it is the freest religion, but hard to understand when you see the different ways the Indians worship—from worshiping idols to snakes or just through meditation. Come and hear Debu explain some of the mysteries of this ancient religion.

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